Office Programme and Working Online

Office Programme and Working Online

Office Programme and working online Level: Beginner, Age: 18+ Years, Course Fee: 8000 Taka Duration: 2 Months (2 days a week, 2 hours each day) – 32 Hours Entry Requirements: This course is open to all. You do not require any computer knowledge to join this course. This course will cover computer fundamentals, Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Bengali Typing, working online, using email, browsing and use of online media. Details: Following topics will be covered…

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Excel Advanced (Data Analysis)

Excel Advanced (Data Analysis)

Microsoft Excel Advanced (Data Analysis and Reporting) Level: Expert, Age: 18+, Course Fee: 8000 Taka Duration: 4 Days (12 Hours) Entry requirements: You need to have good understanding of Excel. This course is suitable for professionals/People who are interested to analyse data using various Excel features. This course will teach you how to prepare and analyse data in excel for meaningful output. Details: The following topics will be covered in the course: Using Text functions…

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Microsoft Excel Intermediate

Microsoft Excel Intermediate

Microsoft Excel Intermediate Training Level: Intermediate, Age 18+, Course Fee: 6,000 TakaDuration: 3 Days (12 Hours) Entry requirements: You need to have basic understanding of Excel. This course is suitable for people who are interested to learn more advanced features of excel and how to use them for everyday work. Details:The following topics will be covered in the course:Recap of basic concepts Working with cells:Absolute and relative cell referencesNaming cells and rangesReferring to named cells…

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