How Java 8 can make your life easier and understand garbage collection in Hotspot Java VM

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Date(s) - 26/08/2014
12:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Creative Wings


This seminar will introduce you to the new features of JAVA 8. There are some significant changes in new JAVA version which can make development work lot easier for developers. The presenter will introduce you to these new features of JAVA and how to incorporate them in your development environment.

Garbage collection is an important aspect of JVM. This presentation will introduce you to the importance of garbage collection and how Hotspot JVM handles garbage collection.

Level: Medium – Advance

Java 8

  • Some Features of Java 8
    Lamda Expression and Virtual Extension Methods
    Date and Time API
    Nashhorn JavaScript Engine
    Improved Security

About the presenter:

The presenter has experience in developing and maintaining several medium to large J2EE based products using different agile processes and continuous delivery. He practices Test Driven Development (TDD) and Behaviour Driven Development (BDD). In his spare time he tries new technologies and likes to share his skills and knowledge with other fellow professionals.

Following are few of the technologies he has worked with:
Language: Java, Scala
Spring Technologies: Core, REST, MVC, Data, Security, Batch
Front-end Development: HTML, JavaScript, JQuery, CSS, Thymeleaf, Velocity, Twitter Bootstrap
Testing: JUnit, TestNG, Mockito, SOAPUI, Cucumber-jvm, Selenium/Webdriver, Fest, Hamcrest
IDE : IntelliJ, Eclipse
Build Tool: Maven, SBT, Ant
Source Control: SVN.
Continuous Integration Server: Hudson
Web Containers: Jetty, Oracle Glassfish
Database: MySQL, Oracle, H2
Database Tools: MySQL Workbench, SQL Developer
NoSQL: Couchbase
ORM: Hibernate, JPA
Messaging: JMS, ActiveMQ, Solace, JSON, Protocol Buffers
Agile Processes: Kanban, Showcases, Retrospectives, BDD, TDD
Others: SQL, XML, Thoughtworks Go, Liquibase, Play, Hazelcast, HyperMedia, SOA, EDA


Bookings are closed for this event.