Professional Development Workshop for Grameen Shikkha

Professional Development Workshop for Grameen Shikkha

    Creative Wings successfully conducted a Professional Development Workshop for Grameen Skikkha employees on 6th September 2014. This one-day workshop was designed to encourage teamwork and improve teaching and training techniques for employees from some of the training centres of Grameen Shikkha. The workshop was conducted in two sessions. The first session involved activities to build team spirit among participating Grameen Shikkha staff by engaging them in discussions to make projects sustainable in the…

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Why it is important to foster and encourage creativity in your kids?

Why it is important to foster and encourage creativity in your kids?

Creativity in children is very important because it promotes brain development and allows children to share their thoughts and feelings. It helps them to form their own opinions and creates individuality. Through creative experiences, children are building up their brains for life (Gopnik et al 1999). Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be…

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Creative Wings begins its journey at Dhaka

Creative Wings begins its journey at Dhaka

After a long time planning and preparing for starting a creative institution at Dhaka, we have finally setup a training centre to conduct our creative technology and arts courses for children, young adults and professionals. We will start offering various courses for children and professionals from August 2014. In association with our parent organisation Subject Support Ltd UK, we will be conducting various taster sessions, workshops and professional courses in coming months. Keep a watch…

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